The Taunton River Watershed Alliance is pleased to announce the winners of our digital photography contest and that we were able to produce not one but two different calendars. We will be publishing our traditional Taunton River Tide calendar with images that showcase our Nationally designated “Wild & Scenic River,” and we will be publishing a one time only “Avian Edition Wall Calendar.” (Well, what do you do when 117 of your 348 entries are photographs of birds?) 2020 has been an interesting year, and with the social distancing requirements, we knew people were spending more time outdoors. Just how much more time became evident when the photo contest deadline rolled around and the TRWA servers regularly started to go down because of the amount of emailed entries. The quality and range of the submissions were breathtaking and our TRWA Board Member judges are still upset about how many images got left on the table because even with two calendars, there was room only for 26. The volunteers who worked to publish the calendar are fondly calling the special bird calendar a “pandemic buster.” At the TRWA we hope it will brighten peoples days a little bit more in 2021.
This year the two calendars combined feature the work of 19 area photographers and nature enthusiasts. Pictures are of the wild life and scenery within the Taunton River Watershed, 562 square miles in all of or part of 43 Southeastern Massachusetts cities and towns. 
This year’s Tide Calendar winners are:
“Waiting on the River,” Taunton River, Berkley, MA – Ruth Langlan
“Ice Boat,” Long Pond, East Freetown, MA – Douglas Desjardins
“Old Bridge Street Bridge,” Nemasket River, Lakeville/Middleborough, MA – Chad T. Lovett
“Great Horned Owl with Owlet,” East Bridgewater, MA – Bernard Creswick
“Black Backed Gull Fishing at Oliver Mills,” Middleborough, MA – Janet MacCausland
“Oriole in Apple Tree,” Berkley, MA – Ronald Tomawski
“Bee and Lady Slipper,” Middleborough, MA – Bud Morton
“Takin’ A Walk,” Sweets Knoll State Park, Dighton, MA – Donna Berthelette
“Wood Turtle,” Undisclosed Location, Taunton River Watershed – George Bancroft
“Great Blue Heron,” Lakeville, MA – Mohamad Ojjeh
“Foggy Morning,” Taunton River, Dighton, MA – Mary Lou Nicodemus
“Fall Cranberry Harvest,” Betty’s Neck, Lakeville, MA – Alex Perez
“Nemasket River,” Plymouth Street Bridge, Middleborough, MA – Janice McGonagle

Our special one time only Pandemic Buster “Avian Edition Wall Calendar” features the photography of:
“Green Heron,” Taunton, MA – Mohamad Ojjeh
“Mockingbird,” Brockton, MA – Bernard Creswick
“Northern Flicker,” Great River Preserve, Bridgewater, MA – Bernard Creswick
“Golden Light,” Dighton, MA – Anna LeBlanc
“Oriole Feeding,” Bridgewater, MA – Ruth Langlan
“Orioles in Spring,” Assonet, MA – Carolyn DiFrancesco
“Tree Swallow Sing-A-Long,” Tamarack Park, Lakeville, MA – Bud Morton
“Young Bald Eagle Branching,” Dighton, MA – David Ennis
“Phoebe with Water Drops,” Berkley, MA – Ronald Tomawski
“Gone Fishing,” Norton, MA – Alison F. Kidder
“Ms. October,” Female Kingfisher, Assonet River, Berkley, MA – Pam Lowell
“Drippy,” Broad Cove, Dighton, MA – Rita Eva Spier
“Cardinal in the Snow,” Assonet, MA – Carolyn DiFrancesco
The TRWA will have a vey limited amount of copies for sale for $15/member, $20 non-member at its office starting November 16th. Please call ahead at 508- 828-1101 for times when the office will be open.
Calendars are always available print-on-demand. The TRWA is excited to use all the options of this new technology. The print-on-demand calendars can be printed from any month in the year with the tide data from the Taunton River or any other of the 3,500 NOAA tide stations. Or, if you like to write appointments into your calendar, you can order a calendar printed up without the tidal data. People purchasing the calendar can even customize their calendar with their own photographs. Half the proceeds from the online $19.99 purchase price goes directly to the TRWA to support its ongoing mission protecting and restoring the Taunton River watershed, its tributaries, wetlands, floodplains, river corridors and wildlife.
To order our TIDE calendar, follow this link: http://www.calendarlink.org/trwa/home.html.
To order our BIRD calendar, follow this link: https://www.calendarlink.org/trwa2021bird/home.html
For a step by step guide for going through all the customizations on the order form, click on this link. how_to_order_online_flier )
For over 30 years, TRWA has been a voice for the river, an advocate for environmental protection, sustainable development and responsible stewardship of our precious water resources. We are an Alliance of concerned residents, businesses, and organizations united to restore and properly manage water and related natural resources within the Taunton River Watershed. Your purchase of these calendars helps to support our work. Thank you!