October Nutrient and Bacteria Data

The nitrate, total phosphorus and fecal coliform results for October have been added to the website’s 2017 monitoring results tracking table.

The nitrate and TP results are the results we watch most closely because these nutrients promote algae and undesirable weed growth adversely affecting water quality and the diversity of aquatic life that can thrive within our watershed. Better water quality equals more aquatic and wildlife diversity and more recreation opportunity on and along our waterways. In other words these are the water quality metrics we want to see improve by better wastewater treatment, improved stormwater management, better fertilizer practices, dam removals, stream corridor protection, and land conservation.

The latest monitoring indicates that the very high nitrate levels measured since July continued into October despite colder temperatures and somewhat higher river flows. The levels measured in the lower Three Mile and Town Rivers are still extremely high (up to 12 times the water quality goal) while many other locations ranged from 3.75 to 6.45 times the goal.

TRWA monitoring continues to shine the spotlight on the need to finish the WWTP upgrades (scheduled for completion 2020 to 2022) as required by the last round of watershed wastewater discharge permits. It demonstrates a clear need for better stormwater management (another nutrient source and a waste of groundwater/stream base flow replenishing rainwater) especially better management of stormwater from new development and redevelopment. The need for better stormwater management prompted TRWA, MassRivers and eight other watershed organizations to file a lawsuit against Scott Pruitt Administrator of EPA and EPA concerning their delay of the effective date of the already 8 year overdue 2016 stormwater permit. The delay keeps the obsolete and ineffective 2003 EPA stormwater permit in effect.

Fun Fall Kayak/Canoe Trip

The Fall TRWA kayak and canoe trip was a great day on the river for twenty TRWA members and friends. Everyone who participated had a great time and expressed an interest in our trips next year. We typically sponsor an overnight trip the second Saturday and Sunday, in June the weekend before Father’s Day (participants can do either or both days, camping out is optional). We also do a Fall trip usually the Sunday after Columbus Day. Mark your calendars for next year and keep an eye out for our confirmatory announcements!


On September 25th The Massachusetts Rivers Alliance, Taunton River Watershed Alliance (TRWA), and eight other watershed groups from across the state filed suit in Boston’s federal district court asking the court to vacate EPA’s one-year delay in implementing the state’s new stormwater permit.  Joining Mass Rivers and TRWA were watershed groups representing the Connecticut; Mystic; Merrimack; Ipswich; North and South; Jones; Sudbury, Assabet, and Concord; and Neponset Rivers.

“Stormwater is the state’s number one pollution problem,” said Mass Rivers Executive Director Julia Blatt, “and this permit is a product of extensive public input as well as eight long years of negotiation among the state DEP, the EPA, and many stakeholders.  The EPA pulled the rug out from under the state’s pollution control efforts by announcing this delay two days before the effective date.”

The permit, known as the “MS4,” for small “municipal separate storm sewer systems,” regulates stormwater pollution under the federal Clean Water Act.  Issued jointly by the EPA and MassDEP, it covers 260 entities in Massachusetts, including municipalities and federal and state facilities.  Stormwater, which runs off land, roads and buildings when it rains, carries fertilizer pollution, harmful bacteria, oil, gas, toxic metals, and salt into nearby waterways.

The largest water quality problems in the Taunton River watershed are algae blooms from too much nutrients and depleted summer river flows which are both made worse by poorly managed stormwater runoff.  The obsolete 2003 EPA stormwater permit EPA’s action leaves in place is outdated, and does a poor job protecting the environment from stormwater’s problems.  The new MS4 permit has more specific conditions requiring towns to create a stormwater management plan and directs them to map their stormwater collection systems, monitor outfall pipes, and prioritize cleanup of the most pressing problems, such as the discharge of untreated sewage into nearby waterways via stormdrains.  The permit also requires public outreach, stormwater recharge, and “good housekeeping” practices such as storm drain cleaning and street sweeping as well as adoption of specific and clear local ordinances for control of stormwater from new development and redevelopment.

The environmental groups are worried that the permit could be delayed much longer than one year.  This permit was eight years in the making and long overdue.  The groups believe further delay of the permit does not make any sense and that we need this permit for a healthy environment and safe recreation.  Click here to see the TRWA press release.

The river groups are represented by Kevin Cassidy of Earthrise Law Center and Access to Justice Fellow Irene C. Freidel.  Click here to see the filed complaint.

Fall Foliage Canoe/Kayak Trip

Sunday, October 15, 2017

You’re invited to join the Taunton River Watershed Alliance (TRWA) for a canoe/kayak trip on the Taunton River to enjoy the peak fall foliage. The date is Sunday, October 15. The trip will begin at 10 a.m. at the South Street East river crossing on the Raynham/East Taunton line (check-in at 9:30). It will end approximately four hours later (2 p.m.) at Weir Riverfront Park on East Water Street in Taunton. Click here for registration information.

August Nutrient Samples In – All Locations Sampled

The August nitrate, total phosphorus, and fecal coliform sampling results have been added to our tracking table and the Water Quality Monitoring Program page of the website.

The results for nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) the pollutants that cause algae blooms and excess aquatic weed growth are worse (higher) than last month. Nitrogen in particular is many times higher than any reasonable instream water quality criterion would allow and many times our nitrate target for concern. Algae blooms and excessive plant growth is currently evident throughout the watershed.

This underscores the need for the wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in the watershed to continue to make progress on their permit implementation schedules for nutrient reduction and for reductions from other sources such as golf courses, agriculture (including cow and horse farms), residential/commercial lawn fertilizer application and stormwater runoff.

EPA and MassDEP should also issue the long overdue two remaining major municipal WWTP permits in the watershed Somerset (8+ years overdue) and Fall River (11+ years overdue) with appropriate nutrient limitations and implementation schedules as well as implement (make effective) the new stormwater (a.k.a. MS4 permit) which is 9+ years overdue.

Stream Continuity Assessment Available

In June 2017, Mass Audubon and the Taunton River Watershed Alliance released Stream Continuity Assessment in the Taunton Watershed a report detailing the findings of more than 500 stream crossing assessments in the Taunton River watershed.  The River and Stream Continuity Project was a joint effort of the University of Massachusetts, the Massachusetts Division of Ecological Restoration, the Nature Conservancy and American Rivers.  The Project developed a system to assess stream crossings and determine the extent to which each one created a barrier to aquatic passage and natural water flow. The database generated an “Aquatic Score” that represented the degree to which that crossing creates a barrier. Crossings were ranked as “severe,” “significant,” “moderate,” “minor” or “insignificant” barriers to passage. The report with its three Appendices are available on the Mass Audubon website.

Angler Education Day

On July 16th, TRWA, the Mass Wildlife Angler Education Program, and the MA Department of Conservation and Recreation teamed up to create a day of local cultural and natural history. Dozens of Dighton Rock State Park visitors learned about Taunton River biodiversity, explored the Dighton Rock Museum, and got a fishing lesson (and loaner tackle if needed) while enjoying a beautiful day along the river.

July Sampling Results In

The July sampling results are in and available at the Water Quality Monitoring Tab above (click on the sample bottles picture on the monitoring program home page).  While not as bad as last year’s dry year we are seeing nitrate values 2 to 3 times the water quality target value of 0.4 mg/l.  This underscores the need for wastewater treatment plants to continue with their programs to upgrade the plants to remove nitrogen and for municipalities, state agencies, and the public to identify ways to control nonpoint (a.k.a. non-wastewater treatment plant) sources of nitrogen.