Bruce Spooner Education Center Programs

Upcoming Events



3/7th, 10am- Guided Walk: Picone Farm/Oliver House with Ellenor Simmons

3/12th, 11am- Guided Walk: Bioreserve with Ellenor Simmons

3/29th, 9:30am- Volunteer Training for Water Quality Monitoring with Steve Silva

3/31, 6pm- Snakes of Massachusetts with Brian Bastarache


4/11, 10:30am – High Street Dam Restoration Tour with Chris Hirsch & Taylor DelVecchio

TBD,  7:30pm- The Big Night with Brian Bastarache (waiting for 1st warm rainy spring night)

4/22nd, 1pm- Guided Walk: Quequechan River Rail Trail with Ellenor Simmons

TBD- Earth Day Clean-up with Jennifer O’Keefe


5/3rd, 10am- Children’s Learn to Fish Program with MassWildlife

5/14th, 9:30am- Guided Walk: Bird Street Conservation Area with Ellenor Simmons

5/31st, 9am- Guided Spring Paddle on the Nemasket River with John Littlefield


6/8th, 11am- Taunton River Festival at Weir Village Riverfront Park

6/28th, 10am- Guided Summer Paddle & Lunch, Bridgewater with John Littlefield


Programming is made possible by the generosity of individual donors, Bristol Wealth Group, General Dynamics, and the Bruce Spooner Family.

See our events calendar for more events

Our Annual Taunton River Tide Calendar


The TRWA publishes an annual calendar fundraiser with the local Taunton River Tides.

The calendar, featuring wildlife and scenery within the Taunton River Watershed, is comprised of work from local photographers who are chosen from our Calendar Contest. The Contest is open throughout the year with submissions of up to 5 photos due by September 1st. The entries are judged by the TRWA Board of Directors.

Calendars are available for $20 at TRWA’s Watershed Center at Sweets Knoll State Park beginning November 1st.  Please call ahead at 508-828-1101 for times when the Center will be open.  A limited number of calendars will be available for a discounted price of $15 at the TRWA’s Annual Meeting on November 4th at Bristol County Agricultural High School from 4PM-7PM. 

You can also order calendars online with $10 of the cost going directly to the TRWA.

To view and order our TIDE calendar, follow this link:

Want to customize our TRWA calendar?  Would you like it to start in, say, June, or be printed with the tide data from another NOAA tide station, or printed without any tide data? Click this link for detailed instructions on how to order a custom calendar. how_to_order_online     

A list of the 2024 photographers can be found here.




Test Announcement

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Diamondback Terrapin Study

terrapin_study_02The TRWA is pleased to announce it will be funding a technician to formally investigate the Diamondback Terrapin (Malaclemy terrapin) population of Assonet Bay located in Southern Massachusetts. This population and its nesting beach have been documented for several years, but no rigorous studies have been conducted to determine and record the abundance, sex ratio, or age structure of this population. Such a study would provide crucial information for conservation and management of this, and other populations of state threatened species. The goal of this study will be to provide a comprehensive research report that can be shared with conservation partners and set up the

terrapin_studybasis for long term study of survivorship and site fidelity. The study will involve the use of floated hoop traps, which were used successfully in the 2015 Allens Pond (Westport) terrapin survey. Diamond Back Terrapins are found along the east coast and are Massachusett’s only brackish water turtle species. They are listed as threatened on the State’s Natural Heritage Endangered Species list. Watch our site for more information on this study