Upcoming Events
3/7th, 10am- Guided Walk: Picone Farm/Oliver House with Ellenor Simmons
3/12th, 11am- Guided Walk: Bioreserve with Ellenor Simmons
3/29th, 9:30am- Volunteer Training for Water Quality Monitoring with Steve Silva
3/31, 6pm- Snakes of Massachusetts with Brian Bastarache
4/11, 10:30am – High Street Dam Restoration Tour with Chris Hirsch & Taylor DelVecchio
TBD, 7:30pm- The Big Night with Brian Bastarache (waiting for 1st warm rainy spring night)
4/22nd, 1pm- Guided Walk: Quequechan River Rail Trail with Ellenor Simmons
TBD- Earth Day Clean-up with Jennifer O’Keefe
5/3rd, 10am- Children’s Learn to Fish Program with MassWildlife
5/14th, 9:30am- Guided Walk: Bird Street Conservation Area with Ellenor Simmons
5/31st, 9am- Guided Spring Paddle on the Nemasket River with John Littlefield
6/8th, 11am- Taunton River Festival at Weir Village Riverfront Park
6/28th, 10am- Guided Summer Paddle & Lunch, Bridgewater with John Littlefield
Programming is made possible by the generosity of individual donors, Bristol Wealth Group, General Dynamics, and the Bruce Spooner Family.