Bruce Spooner Education Center Programs

Upcoming Events



3/7th, 10am- Guided Walk: Picone Farm/Oliver House with Ellenor Simmons

3/12th, 11am- Guided Walk: Bioreserve with Ellenor Simmons

3/29th, 9:30am- Volunteer Training for Water Quality Monitoring with Steve Silva

3/31, 6pm- Snakes of Massachusetts with Brian Bastarache


4/11, 10:30am – High Street Dam Restoration Tour with Chris Hirsch & Taylor DelVecchio

TBD,  7:30pm- The Big Night with Brian Bastarache (waiting for 1st warm rainy spring night)

4/22nd, 1pm- Guided Walk: Quequechan River Rail Trail with Ellenor Simmons

TBD- Earth Day Clean-up with Jennifer O’Keefe


5/3rd, 10am- Children’s Learn to Fish Program with MassWildlife

5/14th, 9:30am- Guided Walk: Bird Street Conservation Area with Ellenor Simmons

5/31st, 9am- Guided Spring Paddle on the Nemasket River with John Littlefield


6/8th, 11am- Taunton River Festival at Weir Village Riverfront Park

6/28th, 10am- Guided Summer Paddle & Lunch, Bridgewater with John Littlefield


Programming is made possible by the generosity of individual donors, Bristol Wealth Group, General Dynamics, and the Bruce Spooner Family.

See our events calendar for more events