- Become a “Friend of the Festival” - Become a “Friend of the Festival”. Help make this year’s Taunton River Festival the best ever! Become a “Friend of the Festival” with a donation of $100. In honor of the Taunton Wild & Scenic River, the TRWA hosts the Taunton River Festival each June during National Rivers Month.... Continue reading
- Training for Water Quality Monitoring Volunteers 3/29th - Help protect the water quality of the Taunton River and its tributaries by becoming a Water Quality Monitoring Volunteer! No technical training or education is required just a desire to be part of an important effort with good people who want to improve local water quality. We provide... Continue reading
- Big Welcome to Ahnika DeGrace! - A warm welcome to Ahnika DeGrace, TRWA’s new communications intern. She will be collaborating with us for ten hours per week from now until June. She is excited to be at TRWA, meeting new people, learning, and expanding her knowledge. She has a contagious enthusiasm for her internship and a... Continue reading

Watershed News
- Congressman Jake Auchincloss Visits TRWA - On Thursday February 20, Congressman Jake Auchincloss, Massachusetts’s 4th Congressional District visited the Watershed Center at Sweets Knoll State Park to learn more about what the Taunton River Stewardship Council (TRSC) and the Taunton River Watershed Alliance (TRWA) are doing to continue making strides in challenging times for the environment... Continue reading
- October Monitoring Results Available, End of 2024 Sampling Year - The monitoring results for October are available on our monitoring results tracking spreadsheet. The monitoring results have also been added to our website 2024 sampling season spreadsheet. The results may be accessed anytime from the Water Quality Monitoring Tab at the top of the TRWA website home page and clicking... Continue reading
Upcoming Events
3/7th, 10am- Guided Walk: Picone Farm/Oliver House with Ellenor Simmons
3/12th, 11am- Guided Walk: Bioreserve with Ellenor Simmons
3/17th, 7:30pm- The Big Night with Brian Bastarache
3/29th, 9:30am- Volunteer Training for Water Quality Monitoring with Steve Silva
3/31, 6pm- Snakes of Massachusetts with Brian Bastarache
4/11, 10:30am – High Street Dam Restoration Tour with Chris Hirsch & Taylor DelVecchio
4/22nd, 1pm- Guided Walk: Quequechan River Rail Trail with Ellenor Simmons
5/3rd, 10am- Children’s Learn to Fish Program with MassWildlife
5/14th, 9:30am- Guided Walk: Bird Street Conservation Area with Ellenor Simmons
5/31st, 9am- Guided Spring Paddle on the Nemasket River with John Littlefield
6/8th, 11am- Taunton River Festival at Weir Village Riverfront Park
6/28th, 10am- Guided Summer Paddle & Lunch, Bridgewater with John Littlefield
Programming is made possible by the generosity of our members, individual donors, the Bruce Spooner Family and
Our Mission...to protect and restore the watershed’s natural resources for current and future generations.