Freshwater Mussel Fauna of Massachusetts –
America’s Most Endangered Group of Organisms with Jay Cordeiro
Saturday, February 11th at 1pm, Somerset Library
Join Jay Cordeiro, a wildlife biologist with the Massachusetts Audubon Society and Adjunct Faculty in Biological Sciences at Bridgewater State University, for an eye opening discussion about mussels. With 70% of species at risk of extinction, the United States is home to one of the most endangered groups of organisms in the world- North American freshwater mussels. This presentation will look at the natural history of these fascinating creatures often overlooked as uncharismatic. Threats, trends, and conservation efforts will be outlined in the scope of their distribution throughout Massachusetts. The presentation will include a show and tell of species found within the Taunton River Watershed and efforts to conserve them. Past and present uses of mussels as sources for food, pearls and the pearl button industry, will also be explored.
With 30 years of experience in rare species conservation, environmental protection, and natural history museum curation, Jay is committed to public awareness of the threat of global biodiversity decline; particularly those uncharismatic organisms (i.e. critters without faces) often overlooked in conservation. He is also fascinated with the history of science and art as related to modern taxonomy.